Monday, September 16

InterContinental Hotel Singapore

Fact: Afternoon teas in hotels always make me feel like a tourist. 

Fact: Chocolate Royale never disappoints. And a biscuit base should be made mandatory for any pastry. 

Fact: You can only hide your vices from your child for so long (14 months tops). 

Fact: Regardless of how fancy-smancy hotels are, the nuts they serve always taste so ghetto. 

And don't ever underestimate your kids; the munchkin absolutely LOVED those spicy chili-powder-coated peanuts. 

Fact: Sooner or later, kids will learn they can go from hero to zero in approximately 30 minutes after inhaling sugar. 


Bern said...

i really really like intercon's afternoon's surprisingly unpretentious compared to some of the other afternoon tea places.

yixiao said...

And pretty much under the radar too :)

Zhu! said...

Awwww can't wait to see him soon!!!!