Tartine Bakery and Cafe might make you thinking about moving into their neighbourhood. The shoebox bakery cum café is heart-achingly small (thank god, we missed the queue by a wheat grain); there isn’t much elbow space and if you come in a big group, it might be time to ditch your friends/family and make new ones with those who have a table. But it churns out the freshest breads, tarts and other beholdable nom-noms that might you buy out one of each and eat away in the privacy of your own place.

After a morning of power walking, we were famished. Among the impressive list of hot-pressed sandwiches, we got an interesting-sounding “Sopressata, Fontina, Brocolli Rabe Pesto.”

It’s basically a foot-long sandwich with spicy Italian dry-cured salami and Fontina cheese, and brocolli rabe pesto but it’s arghhh Lord-Almighty good! I’ve run out of intelligent ways to describe this not-your-average grilled ham and cheese sandwich.

I’m happy to extend a helping hand to those who can’t finish it (seriously, just doggie bag it and send it over – I will throw in shipping). My only teeny complain would be the rustic jaw-breaking country bread that caused multiple scratch wounds due to hasty chewing. Ok, it’s my fault since this sandwich can do no wrong.

And because it would be crazy and suicidal not to try out their sweet treats, we got a tart with sweet buns (did I just type that pervert-ish sentence).
I’ve heard the queues for Tartine’s famous morning buns resemble its snaking coils but I found them just passable on its own; however when dunked into the coffee (they make them strong), we are talking about a whole new ballgame.

Hmmm, these orangey, cinanmony flaky treats to someone might be like curry puffs to me so I best not diss the sanctity of these buns. And if you want to try baking them, here’s the recipe.

For obvious reasons, I left my heart in Tartine for its lemon cream tart, a buttery tart shell filled with rich pucker-up lemon cream. I probably had a dazed, dreamy look throughout those 3 minutes of heaven, but then again, everyone else was probably stoned on their scrumptious treats – or something else - all together.

We have a W-I-N-N-E-R!

1 comment:
that sandwich looks awesome!
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