Sunday, November 6

a gathering.

grandads, who never showed physical affection for their own children, lavishing generous doses of affection on their grandchildren.
the constant ooh-ing and aah-ing of how much weight one has lost.
the taboo of looking a few pounds heavier.
chaos caused by kids who have too much adrenaline to spare.
adults, ranked in order of seniority, seated over the dinner table.
while kids informally pick their food from a bufft-style setting, then assembling in front of the television.
the clear separation of husbands and wives who dominate different areas of the living room for gender-led talks.
the relentless chasing of toddlers who could had to put just about anything that fits into their mouths.

just some of the sights and smells gathered over last night's family gathering.

i haven't shopped in while. as in not just windows-shopping but engaging in the 'real transaction of goods and services,' i bought a couple of wool jumpers today, which though probably intolerable given singapore's humidity would have been perfect for the chilly winters of denmark. i also saw THE bag in nine west which i know would look soo soo marvellous with every i have.. i haven't felt such longing for anything or anyone in such a lon while, glad to know something still makes make my heart skip a beat faster.

new pet peeve: why the hell do people pen- scribble in library books? get your own books to vandalise, cheapskate!

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