Friday, November 1

Depachika dinners

It’s a known fact that in Tokyo, all roads ultimately lead to the depachika. Now if there's a meal to get sappy over, it would be this meal. It was our anniversary dinner and the ebi katsu was just sooooo good (sheds a tear).

katsu + nigiris and sushi + chirashi

The katsu, in particular, was phenomenal. It was one of those foods that bear little regard for your companion’s personal space. A bite of that intensely crispy katsu ebi sent light-as-air panko crumbs flying everywhere. “Oops, crumbs in your drink? Sorry, will fetch you a new one when I’m done.” 

Though that cheese-stuffed minced pork katsu suffered slightly with time, we treated it with pseudo politeness (“You have it… No, you have it”) and it took us a grand total of five minutes to polish it off. 

braised pork + shrimp tempura + chirashi

On another night, I was in porcine heaven with some tender but still toothsome braised pork. Epic bliss.

It is unassuming meals such as these that make our trip unforgettable. 

And to accompany our meals - a view worth a thousand bucks.

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