Friday, June 22

Baking with Sarah of Sarah's Loft

I would say that baking and cooking doesn't come naturally to me; my fingers momentarily suffer from some sort of motor skills paralysis and my brain processes steps in an incoherent manner. True story.  

However, I leapt at the opportunity to learn bread baking alongside Sarah of Sarah's Loft as it was a small class (read: minimal embarrassment) and the combination of Earl Grey/ Orange was right up my alley. 

True to her blog persona, Sarah was very patient and reassuring - I felt safe and unjudged baking alongside her.


I'm not sure if it's an entirely good thing but she made bread-making seem as easy as 1-2-3 yeast-meets-best. 

While waiting for the buns to ferment, Sarah treated us to a few macarons that she had made earlier. By her own admission, she said she weren't very good but I really like the matcha white chocolate macaron because I'm a sucker for anything made with Japanese ingredients.

Meet Momo, Sarah's impeccably well-mannered (and if I may add, clean) pooch. I showed her a photo of Toro and Soba but don't think she was particularly impressed or smitten. Those thugs.

Close to 15 minutes later, the buns were done! Talk about almost-instant gratification.

Just one more step... 

Ta-dah! Just a quick drizzle - you really don't need too much icing sugar as these buns are incredibly fragrant and delectable on their own.

Can't. Bloody. Wait. To. Try. Them. Patience is not a strong virtue of mine.

OH MMM G. They are soo effing good! Super duper moist with incredible pull-apart texture, wonderfully tempting with the strong aroma of Earl Grey and orange peel. I totally see why people would bake their own bread though it cost less than a few dollars to buy store-bought ones.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the last photo had my mouth watering, & the instruction sheets look so cute!