Thursday, June 23


Just like how everything tastes better with melted cheese/ truffle/ chocolate*, everything looks better with Instagram.

* delete accordingly though I wouldn't rule out the possibility of combining them all.


My mum used to say, when you have a good book, you will never be bored. I agree and would like to add, when you have a good book, you will never be bored or lonely.


For an uninterrupted ride, I had to take a water and pee break before I launched into this paragraph. I have always thought it is funny how in French cuisine, the complexity increases with its price tag but for Japanese cuisine, it is the exact opposite - and I finally understand why.

For me, the difference between Japanese and French cooking comes down to the this: in Japanese cooking we think the ingredients are a gift from God and we try not to change them too much... It seems to me that often French chefs want to change the things they cook with, to put their own mark on them. In other words, in Japan chefs work with what God provides, in France the chefs think they are God.

- Sushi and Beyond by Michael Booth


I have never regarded carrot cream cheese cake as dessert. With carrots, walnuts and sometimes raisins, it feels more like a 'salad' cake. It is like going from starter to dessert in 5 bites.


Good times with zee.


I so love my cheappity ass watch that I got from a pushcart in Bugis. I hereby own the term, "extremeness"!


Bada bling, leopard and hot pink - extremeness flats that are perfect for blah days.


zee said...

Yay for Instagram! I'm hooked too. :)

JY said...

Haha I noticed your watch yday and thought it's nice. Bubblegum watch :)

yixiao said...

it makes looking at the time fun =)