The first being French Laundry, which you could need nerves of steel and the rabid determination of a bona fide Keller aficionado (or just plain dumb luck); the second being In-N-Out, where you would just need guts of steel for.

An institution chain-but-not-quite eatery, there are numerous In-N-Out restaurants across California, Arizona and Nevada. But what sets In-N-Out apart from say, the Golden Arches is their unwavering promise to offer only fresh, made-to-order food.
The menu appears simple enough: three types of burger, French fries, fountain drinks as well as milkshakes; but a quick Google search reveals something quite different altogether.

Our Double-Double burger (double patty/double cheese) was awesome. The bun-patty-cheese ratio was 36-24-26 spot-on. However, what amazed me were the veggies that tasted so crisp and fresh - didn't feel like they had been harvested circa 1997 and left abandoned in a warehouse till recently.

We had their fries “Animal style,” doused with mustard and pickles, “special” sauce (which tasted like Thousand Island dressing) and sweetish grilled onions. It was gooey, messy, soft yet crunchy, tangy yet sweet ... very much like break-up or childhood-memories kind of comfort food.
Apparently, their fries are hand-cut in the store, as opposed to machine-cut in a processing plant. As a result, the fries were a little rough and potatoey, kind of like Kettle chips, rather than McDonald's smooth-Ruffles-like fries.
Hey, there's room for both in muh gut.

Doing it 'Animal' style at In-N-Out? Hmm, props to anyone who tries anything remotely strenuous after a meal at In-N-Out.
what a pity that in 'n' out can only be found in america! i dislike long-haul flights, so i don't think i'll be visiting the west coast soon.
Yes i remember in 'n' out, they are always near factory outlets- perfect meal after shopping :D
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