My inner aunty spotted a newspaper voucher that reeled in an one-for-one offer for Shin Kushiya’s premium sashimi moriwase platter. That fitted in perfectly with our usual Friday “salaryman” nights of Japanese fooding. We didn’t set out to have Japanese on Fridays all the time but whenever it came down to listing preferences (“not too heavy,” “relaxed but not hawker” and “well-presented but not fine dining”), Japanese kinda goes check, check and … check. Besides, ample slabs of toro and salmon belly? Swoon.
Speaking of indulgence, our friend, Dave celebrated his big 3-0 with nights of feasting and we got to share his joy over drinks at Scarlet Hotel’s roof-top bar cum restaurant. July is such a happy month, though I feel that birthdays are almost as anti-climax as Christmas Day, I can’t wait for mine this year. Keeping stock of mini milestones, meeting up with friends you hardly see, and celebrating with family and quibbling over who pays the bill … don't birthdays matter more when one ages?
i enjoyed looking through our blog! it has a very scrapbook-ish feel to it.
thank you!
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