The candle that never got lit.
Admittedly when it comes to sugar-filled tea time treats, I have always chosen convenience and comfort over exclusivity and trendiness. However, I decided that for my birthday, I would go out of my Cedele / Canele way and get some raved about treats from Patisserie Glace.

Strawberry Hill
Patisserie Glace’s strawberry luminaries include the Strawberry Soufflé and Strawberry Shortcake. But since I usually won’t jump through fire hoops for soufflés and sponges, I went for the Strawberry Hill, a sponge cake slash tart. Fresh strawberry slices and the lightest of custard cream and fresh cream on top of a tart THAT MADE THE DIFFERENCE. I loved it!

Choco Renga
Choco Renga (“Chocolate Brick” in Japanese) was a multi-layer chocolate sponge ganache thatssit. Though undeniably rich, it didn’t make me wanna join the dark side.
Puts away my Darth-Vader-Korean-Ahjumma visor.

Fromage Syun
On the other end of the colour spectrum, the Fromage Syun is a low-fat cheese tart. It was good in a I-can't-believe-it's-yogurt way. With its flawless finish, this cheese tart could star in its own skin-whitening advertisement.

La France
We also had a pear tart, finished off with a crème brûlée gloss named La France. This scores a generic “nice” and I probably won’t remember to order it again.

Rin Rin Cheese Tart - Japanese Rock Melon.
There were close to ten over cheese tarts to choose from so we chose the most unibrow-raising flavour - Japanese rockmelon flavour. I’m glad we didn’t go for the usual maple, caramel etc flavours as this was flippin’ awesome. It seemed practically Made for Disaster but the rock melon flavour was intense but refreshing.

Another unexpected find was the Maison that housed 4 different flavours - vanilla, organic green tea, coffee and Belgian chocolate. The cake greets with a stiff coffee aroma but leaves with a bitterish green tea aftertaste. I thought it was amazing how clear cut the flavors were … Home Sweet Home indeed.
I probably wouldn’t go all the way down to Chinatown Plaza to grab a slice or two but say, I had a party with friends who would appreciate an afternoon of sugar-high … Hmmm I think we are onto something here…
Patisserie Glace
34 Craig Road #01-10
Chinatown Plaza
Singapore 089673
Tel +65 6400 0247
u finally went! two person try 6 cakes? whoa :)
I'm helping the folks at Matcha Source Green Tea (www.matchasource.com) introduce their products to bloggers. I really enjoyed and your post about green tea, which is why I contacted you. If you send us an email at lewis@matchasource.com or info@matchasource.com, we can consider sending some complimentary products. A blog post about us would really be much appreciated. Thanks again for all your help
looks like your plans have been fulfilled- getting glace's cakes and enjoying them all at e comfort of your own home =D
i like their cheese tarts... and the ultimate strawberry souffle cake!
We love their maple rin rin cheese tart! We're so going to try out other flavours soon!
i want a cheese tart too!
what a coincidence! I had the Mont Blanc for my birthday and loved it!
This is Poh Kee of Patisserie Glace. We are glad you enjoyed our cakes. We have a new product called emerald isle which Tomoko, in her usual understated way, describes it as green tea sponge with red bean paste. Being Singaporean, couldn't imagine what red bean on green tea taste like so I asked her husband, Kay Boon. His response was "Tahiti". Huh???
I decided 'with great reluctance' that I'll have to give up my perpetual diet and try it. Here's my take:
Green tea sponge layered with red beans and whipped cream in the centre. At the top are Japanese chestnut, black beans, a strawberry and the chef's own whipped cream. Each component of the cake is distinctly Japanese but put together, it tastes like a tropical island dessert. The one that comes to mind - chendol!
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