Friday, December 14

Mak's Noodle House, Hong Kong

If you are doing the Bourdain food trail, you would find yourself on 77 Wellington Street, Mak's Noodle House.

There is nothing wanton about these wontons. No bigger than a quail’s egg, the wantons at Mak’s Noodle House were tiny bundles filled with 2 shrimps. While some may scoff at the bud size, I would choose these over those bigger lumps of heavy wanton skin wrapping and questionable filling.Unable to choose between what I like and what I should order, the braised beef and wonton soup was perfect for me. The sheer tenderness of the beef clued us in on how long it had been simmering away.

Egg noodles rarely appeal to me but the dry shrimp-dusted noodles were interesting enough. As portions are small, they made an ideal done-with-shopping snack, which is just as well since I have been told to avoid crazy lunch hour and dinner time.

I was a little bumped out when I saw an article by Anthony Bourdain sealed within every glass-paneled table. I guess it's a little disappointing that this authentic small-time noodle house could be so hung up about international fame.

Oh you are such a tart!

I pick up an egg tart off a famous bakery at Tsim Sha Tsui. The one thing I look out for is “wobbly insides”- the kind that trembles along with motion or threatens to spill out of its pastry crust after you have taken a bite. Veering from core to periphery, flaky airy pastry is a must- sturdy enough to hold the wobbly insides but effortlessly tears away when subjected to the force of a bite. Oh when you are done, do watch out for the pesky pastry specks at the tips of your lips. You wouldn't want to look like a Got Egg Tart? advertisement.

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