Wednesday, September 6

Word of the Day from

verisimilitude \ver-uh-suh-MIL-uh-tood; -tyood\, noun:
1. The appearance of truth; the quality of seeming to be true.
2. Something that has the appearance of being true or real.

TODAYOnline's horoscope advice is scarily accurate. Before this, I had long given up on horoscope after all that empty promises of meeting some hubba-lover of my life with just about every monthly publication.. BIG SIGH. Haha, I sound like an old spins-er who is still on the shelf, just not under the Bestseller's category anymore. But we all know how vague horoscopes can get especially when Uranus crosses Saturn's path and two moons, which signal the rekindling of some huh-where-have-you-been-all-my-life passion, appear.. haha.. wait a minute, I think that's astrology. Arh, brain science.

Anyway for LEO, today's horoscope reads
You may be questioning your position and current direction. Don't be afraid to make suggestions, incorporating places, people and projects quite differently from anything you've done in the past. A financial change looks positive.

Point #1: "You may be questioning your position and current direction." which is fairly true since I have just attended a career talk given by Bob Groove from Edelman and I am questioning if I am suitable for a career in the public relations industry. From what I have heard, you have got to have guts of steek and a healthy dose of ruthlessness to survive in this male-dominated and connections-riddled industry and I am not into the 'climbing over people to get to the top' methodlogy

Point #2: "Don't be afraid to make suggestions,... quite differently from anything you've done in the past." sounds exactly like what I am doing now. Leaving school to pursue an internship..

At least I like the sound of Point #3: "A financial change looks positive.".. Although I am not quite sure how this will materialise. Not just yet. Haha

On Monday, my horoscope with my comments read, " Time spent clearing up unfinished jobs and organising what you want to do next will pay high dividends. Yup, I still have that cursed report to finish.. It has been in hibernation mode. You will receive interesting financial information that can lead to more money and freedom. Erm Santa, you might have missed out on this.. Changes in your personal life will be beneficial. I am not going to comment too much on this though I have to say I feel zilch remorse on how things have turned out."

I sound so cryptic. Just trying out this new thing called "mysterious"..

For those who are wondering why this supposed flogger has taken on a calorie-free approach, I have only this to say,

Food court lunches can only be that interesting..

Sigh along.

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