Tuesday, September 5

On my second day of my internship but I haven't been given much to do.
Instead, I have been spending alot of time with Knowledge@Wharton as they have a cache full of interesting articles.
Very useful for you too, if you are a business student.

Another article that caught my droopy eyelids. There was a feature on the Best 50 Jobs in America, ranked by CNN'S MONEY Magazine.

Top 10 includes:
1 Software engineer
2 College professor
3 Financial advisor
4 Human resources manager
5 Physician assistant
6 Market research analyst
7 Computer/IT analyst
8 Real estate appraiser
9 Pharmacist
10 Psychologist

A puzzling fact, however, is that Lawyers were ranked at 37, below Advertising manager (at 11), Occupational therapists (at 32), Writers (at 25- not that struggling after all) and Urban Planners(even they were at 36?!)..

Jobs that were unranked included those with an average pay below $50,000; dangerous work environments; or fewer than 800 job openings per year. Moe details can be found here: How the 50 Best Jobs were picked.

After an overload of exhausting industry news, I drifted off to tomorrow.sg and was blog surfing when I came across THIS PETITION drawn up by a Catholic High School Boy.

Whether the principal has really been guilty of such tt-duraish-antics is another issue altogether. There are two sides to every coin and I will not pass judgement on his character before he has a chance to account for his actions.

The petitioner, Ho Wee Seng draws upon Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Chaos Theory to illustrate his arguments. WHOA. His formalised and coherant structure took my coffee breath away and I will give him due respect for drawing up what seems to be a well thought out proposal.

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