Monday, May 15


oh man, this day 3 of "honey, my tummy's in tumble-dryer mode". i spent the entire afternoon in the library yesterday, forcing myself to get some revision done. by five pm, i could barely stand the intense balloony effect that stood in between the table and my being and had to lay down on one of the library couches to promote 'airflow'. %#$%*(&(*. talk about un-com-for-ta-ble and un-time-ly.

at least my appetite's almost back. haha.. this morning, i was out of something decent for breakfast so i took a walk to the bakery and treated myself to the most sinful-looking item.. ok, this is SO NOT considered the most sinful because there are traditional danish pastries that look set to feed a family of five.. so by ingesting it on my own, i might as well have a dug a hole in the courtyard and wait for either death or my already-failing stomach system to claim me.

thanks to my limited danish, i have no idea what this pastry is called. but really, to enjoy this marvellous treat, not knowing what it's called won't kill you afterall, you just need to point, smile and pay the cashier -which is precisely what i did.

i would love to have created this pastry.. think of how much fun the baker must have had. first i have my thin layer of beaten-egg-lathered-to-make-it-crisp-brown-and-flaky puff pastry.. then i increase the deli-fatiness by squeezing a generous tube of custard in the middle... and as if thats not enough to send my customers salivating uncontrollably.. two slaps of icing ought to do the trick.. throw in some nuts.. VOILA. irresistable. haha..

this afternoon, it was time to recoup friday's lack of wages. surprisingly not too busy in the kitchen (can't say the same for sushi chefs and the takeaway counter)..

i had the breaded chicken kebabs for high tea.. though it was tasty with some thai sweet chili sauce, i am so going to regret my sorry ass tomorrow when the stomach decideds to get even..

and of course, i had a few pieces of sushi but i reserved my share to bring it back for the girls.. and som, the sushi chef was so thoughtful! he made more because i -gulp- told him i was study till late and i needed the stimulant/ fuel -double gulp-

i would pay for my little fib later.. but at least kiku, justine, elena and katy enjoyed it.. from the pictures you might have thought that we were engaging in something illicit..

sushi- bringing people together.

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