Friday, November 27

Nemuiro Hanamaru, Kitte Marunouchi Tokyo

One of the highlights of our trip was lunch at kaiten sushi restaurant Nemuiro Hanamaru at Kitte Marunouchi. We love kaiten sushi while in Japan. It is a great way to inhale truly gratifying sushi without incurring a bill that might leave you gasping for air.

The last time round we discovered Mydori Kaiten Sushi at Seibu Department Store (Building A) in Shibuya, and on this trip,  a quick Google search led us to Nemuiro Hanamaru at Kitte Marunouchi.

Located on level 5, Nemuiro Hanamaru opens their door to hungry hordes at 11:00am; while the elevators only kicks in at 11:00am, the escalator starts their humming operations at 10:52am. Yes, not 10:51am or 1053:am, but 10:52am - and we are walking Japanese watchmakers' precision.

The restaurant feels extremely festive and convivial, as sushi chefs yell out freshly prepared sushi in unison during service. But the main event was definitely the sushi. The fish were all incredibly refreshing and some were even buttery. Never thought I would describe fish as buttery but it was exactly that!

The restaurant is part of a chain from Sapporo, did you see the light bulb go off in my head? Sapporo 2016? Let's pray for it.

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