Tuesday, September 13

M is for ... Weekend #36

M is for ...

... Merry

Last weekend, I attended an old friend, Teresa's wedding at Hotel Intercontinental. A couple of days before that, it suddenly occured to me that it would be a JC reunion of sorts and I developed an acute case of pre-meet-up jitters. Luckily I didn't have to resort to a "I invented Groupon" stunt and surprisingly had lots of fun catching up with my ex classmates, who I hadn't heard a peep from in 8 years.


We celebrated Dad's birthday with lunch at Dempsey Brasserie (more on the meal later). Among the three of us, I am most like my dad -we are born under the same zodiac sign (he, 3 cycles before me); complexion-wise, we are both tan with straight hair (unlike my sisters who are both fair and have natural curls like my mum); and we are both definitely morning people (I get you, Dad).


... Moving In-and-Out

We finally moved in to our new place! It was kind of bittersweet as I have lived at my parent's place for exactly 20 years. Me thinks my room might become a storeroom or pug playpen but I made my mum promise to retain the original look till I officially get married. Paws off my room, Toro and Soba!


I left quite a fair bit of clothes and shoes behind, including two pairs of Ferragamo pumps. Though clearly underused, I didn't want to take them along as they reminded me of my past corporate life and those are times I would rather leave behind.

I still have my old name tag though. P for Purity... That particular name tag belonged to my Primary 5 self.


Speaking of pups, we went to say "Hi" to our new neighbours and met their new border collie pups. Cuteee...


... Mall crawl

Nex has been around for quite a while but we have only just summoned the courage to enter the mosh pit. Though huge, most of the shops are pretty generic except for King & Kong Wong, where I would have gone crazy at if not for the fact that we are both house-poor. We will always have Daiso, I guess.


... Mooncakes

Of course, there was certainly no lack of moocakes at kw's family gathering this weekend.

1 comment:

Jeane M. said...

What a roller coaster ride weekend that was. Sure, the new pup next door look oh so cuddly. Yay for the moon cakes! philippines outsourcing