Friday, August 26

聘珍樓 Heichinrou, Hong Kong


The decision to have dinner at Iron Chef Heichinrou was impromptu but it taught me never to underestimate the power of a restaurant with delicious food, free wifi and nice toilets.

Among our dishes was a steamed fish with light soya sauce. Its simplicity brought out the utter freshness of the fish and incredible skill of the kitchen. It was a dish that reminded me to count my blessings.

I have always considered ordering live seafood in a Chinese restaurant a luxury. When listed “market price” on the menu, there is always a risk that the restaurant could reel you in and later pass you a bill that would make you weak in the stomach. I can count the number of times I have had live seafood in a fancy Chinese restaurant and each time, I would feel unbelievably lucky as if it were my Charlie-Bucket moment.

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