Wednesday, May 21

Joe's Pizza & Joe Jr, New York City

The Famous… The Best… The Original…

So many pizzerias claim to be the bestest of the best, El Supremo of all pizzas in the world so I guess “You saw us in Spiderman” is a rather novel way of standing out.

Sorry I was pretty much distracted by Peter -sigh- Parker but just to recap: it’s Spiderman 2, the scene where Peter gets fired for delivering the pizza late.

Rings a bell?

No? Go watch it again- not that you really need another reason to do so right?

It was my first pizza so I decided to go simple- just pepperoni and mozzarella cheese, no fancy-snazzy toppings. While I haven’t tried enough to confirm it’s the Slice To Rule Them All, it was pretty amazing. A thin crust magically held up the ingredients and trapped the subtle smokiness delivered from an aged oven.

It’s no wonder a spellbinding web had been cast over many...

... and 10 minutes laster, the place was packed. Phew.

In no relation whatsoever, I got a slice of New York cheesecake from Joe's Jr, a neighborhood diner.

When I first fell through the rabbit-hole of cakes and pastries, cheesecakes were my first loves in Wonderland. Sometimes it’s so heavy I consider it part of a meal, instead of teatime nibble. Although I have since moved onto fancier pastries, it is one of those cakes that I can always count on to supplement breakfast, lunch and even dinner.

Cheesecakes also happen to one of the most versatile cakes. Just ask The Cheesecake Factory. There, the cheesecake is a stalwart. From Kahlua to Godiva, peanut butter to cookie dough, just about every ingredient knows it has its 15 minutes of fame but the cheesecake will outlast everyone despite playing a supporting role.

Traditionally the New York cheesecake is very much back to basics, the UNIQLO of the cheesecake world. Though I didn’t get a “more famous” cheesecake, Joes Jr’s cheesecake was an in-house celebrity and it bore a stunning shade of ombre that spelt `EAT ME!' It was extremely dense but mild-tasting- just the way I like it.

Famous Joe's Pizza
7 Carmine Street (at Bleecker Street)
Phone 212-255-3946

Joe Jr. Restaurant
482 6th Ave 12th Street


Anonymous said...

Interesting! Must check it out when I head up later in the year =)

yixiaooo said...

hey, you will so enjoy the pizza over there!

see you this sat at the social media breakfast =)

CRIZ LAI said...

Gosh! Why can't I get such yummy thin crust pizza over here. I guessed the Americans are still the experts in making pizzas. :P

Anonymous said...



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