Thursday, May 25

yupadoodles! repeat after me in eliza doolittle style: the EXAMS are OVER! and iwth my last paper on tuesday, my incredibly-short stint as a "hardworking studious nerd" has finally come to an end.. haha. i don't mean to brag but considering the amount of 'work-related stress' i was under this semester, i think i did pretty well for most of my exams (damn you outsourcing!).. bwahaha.. then again, it doesn't matter how well i did since the grades aren't get transferred.

party time? you bet. the exchange crew organised a farewell party at club venue last night. tons of familar faces and regrettably-unfamilar get-your-mumbo-jumbo-hands-of-me antics.. all in the name of good fun, of course.

i think ALOT of people were drunk.. or at least pretending to be.. i saw one of my french groupmates and he was totally whacked out, telling me that i was a party animal (when hahaha he couldn't even walk straight).. then he proceeded to carry me- as in crane-boulder-lift me?! i figure he must be suffering from a roaring backache.. should have passed him the number of a physiotherapist..

of course, there are tales meant to be kept shush. but don't worry mum, i was too much of a wuss to try out anything remotely adventurous or unsanitary.. haha.. but it was great fun dancing with the girls and my only drink courtesy of chris was a baby-clubber drink- bicardi apple with sprite .. tangily tasty!

my camera battery ran flat after four pictures.. so i got to go consolidate the rest from everyoe esle.. pictures will be up soon!

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