Friday, February 3

i need a girlfriend.
no! not in the lesbian way, but rather girlfriend as in the female chum, the femme confidante..

the guys here are great- as fair weather friends.

but i need someone who can connect with me on a much deeper level.

someone who would get excited over huge "UDSALG" signs. someone who agrees that though bread, all carbs, spells trouble for the waistline tastes great even when untoasted. someone with whom i can share my meals with, because cooking for one is not worth the hassle. someone who nudges me halfway during lecture to alert me of potential eye candies. someone who understands why i would walk an hour and half to and fro downtown to save 23kr and WOULD walk with me. someone who would roll her eyes at the immaturity of boys who still get a kick out of swearing every five seconds. someone who doesn't feel the need to club every night and drunk herself silly till the wee hours of the morning.


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