Sunday, January 1

new year party.

the preparation-

the theme was purple, to match our furniture.

so explains the dyed roses and ali-baba-looking christmas tree.. haha

it was potluck.. leg of lamb with mint gelatine. pork knuckle. assorted german sausages. angel hair aglio olio. deep fried salmon slices. roasted capcicums. tempura prawn. apple turnover. pecan tart. vanilla ice and chocolate ice cream with a bevy of toppings you could customize your ice cream with.

i finally know what it means to festive-binge. it's not like everyone sits around the table, heaping their plates with mountfuls of goodies then making repeated trips to the serving area.. but how you move from dining table to a mahjong table that has been placed centimeters away from the serving table. convenient, no?

like after every concluded game, it was so convenient to reach over for the hummus dip and salmon bites...


i didn't have the time to snap party pictures but i REALLY REALLY hope everyone had a decent time.. well, i know at least the majhong peeps and drunk fellas did. haha..

happiest new year, guys!

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