Saturday, October 22

Dino Cafe

wedding bells.

i attended my first wedding lunch today- as in 8-COURSE CHINESE WEDDING lunch.. ???- exactly! anyway it was my mum's yoga teacher and i will bet you are wondering why lunch? well, considering how my parents have a wedding lunch and 2 wedding dinners to attend this weekend along, i say- it must be one of those helluva-AUSPICIOUS weekends to get married. go check the almanac... but for you lovebirds, it's probably too late anyway...

this lunch was a mighty three hour long affair.. though cocktail started at 12 noon and we were allowed into the banquet hall at 12:30.. the food only made its grand entrance (to sting's desert rose yaya-tune) at one.. which goes to show that be it wedding lunch or dinner- it always starts LATE! beware. so it was basically a lot of waiting waiting and more waiting, no longer able to conceal my hunger, i actually asked the waitress to bring in the cocktail snacks (tapioca chips and cheese rings!) from the hall outside- which she did.

oh come on! drop your shock-and-awe look, i bet some of you must have been tempted to do so on at least one wedding occasion.. well now that i have done it, you could always say, "i know somebody esle who did it"

since dinner was a small affair of just jie, jimmy and i, we decided to visit the newly- renovated dino cafe along upper thomson road!

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laksa, fried bee hoon and lontong- simply tasty filled with home-made goodness. jimmy had custard puffs with sambal chili- only kididng! the chili was from jie's laksa. whats a trip to dino without a engliSh scone?

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my point exactly so 'scone' ended up as my dessert

Image hosted by not-store-bought kerokeroPOK which angie deep-fried. a whiff of it delivers some serious kick. i had a craving for pandan cake ever since i walked passed bengawan solo days ago.. green with envy and irresistably eggy- breakfast for tomorrow.. Image hosted by

things i will miss when in denmark.

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