Saturday, February 12

chinky chinky.

chinese new year has been... alright. i have JUST demolished some almond cookies guiltlessly, mind you (ask me again two hours down the road) and i subconsciously feel that i am trying to eat enough tarts and cookies to make up for those not in singapore. yes, charl wai and yang, hand over your angbaos for my amore sessions please! haha..

well everybody has a top 'comment' of the year right? then again, there will forever be those "oh my, somebody's been eating very well huh..." emtpty talk. sigh, relatives. well mine this year was 'any boyfriend?' yet.. sure beats "why aren't you married?" and i cannot believe somebody actually had the nerve to ask me "so do you guys in smu really think that you are better than the rest of us?" well, luckily for that guy, there was a marvel of lobster salad that eventually shut me up.

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