Tuesday, February 22

Garb Day 1 March

Can you believe we are less than a week to the end of February? Granted it is a shorter-than-average month, I can't believe we are almost one-sixth done with 2011 and I feel blardy unaccomplished.

Apart from the sporadic bursts of random shopping, that is. A curse that comes with working in town.


Thing is, I refuse to wear any of my new stuff till I have a good reason or occasion for 'deflowing' them. I was just telling M the other day that we need a 'Wear Your Online Shopping Garb Day.'

So how about it, folks? Shall we make 1 March 'Wear Your Online Shopping Garb Day?' If one of your New Year resolutions is to do something different, you would have easily accomplished it!

PS I didn't get the knitted shirt dress from ASOS but it is so bookworm chic!

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