I’m going to just come of out it and say, file this under 'Things I Did that I Want My Kids To Do Too'. I have fond memories of Dino and it’s a place that I would love to being my kids to. Though the allure of the Meechelle-Chia-approved mee siam is lost on me, I’m a fangirl for their fried rice.
As for treats, I usually zoom in on their carrot cake and walnut crepe but cheese tart was looking forlorn. And I’m glad we had each other for company one Saturday afternoon. Suitably cheesy but not kneel-over so. Complete with a digestive biscuit tart. No funky-do flavours. No kawaii-neh moniker. This is Cheese Tart 101.
We were at Auntie Kim's!
ooo Auntie Kim's good stuff.
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