Monday, June 4

Ikea, A Swede Deal

The right words uttered by the right person can sound so good.

No, it wasn't "I love you, you complete me" or "You asked for a once-owned-by-Jennifer-Lopoez 6.1 carat pink diamond ring by Harry Winston, you got it".

Instead, it was simply, "You have what it takes to be successful".

He might as well have just said, "You are the next Samantha Brown, your are getting your very own feature travel programme!" But I was taken aback and reduced to the ends of my Starbucks seat. I muttered 'thank you' (or did I say something esle?) and sat back in semi-daze.


Yes, very.

Ikea's Swede deals appeal to the value-seeker in us. A couple of fridays ago, we had dinner at IKEA. The amazing thing about Ikea it's no longer just about the "furniture". They have some interesting designs and after dinner, we would usually explore the basement where they sell thingsyou-never-know-you-needed-but-do-so-now! Inevitably, we would leave with something: this time round we left with a flask for coffee though we are hardly ever at home for breakfast or brunch and on a previous visit, we bought a pan that was good for preparing pasta for "3-4" people.

Anyway, back to dinner.

I wanted to get the smorrebrod, an prawn and egg open sandwich but the pallid looking cold water prawns and mayonnaise overload didn't exactly scream "delicious!"

Instead we went for our usuals, which included

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The gravlax, with addictive sweet mustard sauce.

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Cocktail Prawn

Cocktail prawns- dad's usual, not mine. Cold water prawns do nothing for me, I didn't like this at all.

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Swedish Meatballs

Swedish meatballs, with freshly boiled potatoes and lingonberry jam (boy, I always thought it was cranberry sauce!). There's something ikea's meatballs. I can't put my finger on it. Believe me, I could follow this recipe at home punctiliously and it wouldn't be the same. Then again, why would I rackle my brain over how to make it when I could get an amazing deal at ikea itself? They hold the mandate for having the best swedish meatballs (not that i have tried Swedish meatballs anywhere esle).

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Poached Salmon

Poached salmon with freshly boiled potatoes and Kryptonite green broccoli, drizzled with chive and butter sauce. Clean-tasting and pleasant- quintessentially Scandinavian.

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Fish & Chips

Daily special Fish and chips, which had a lackluster batter that limped against chive and butter sauce but at least the fries were chunky and firm.

In UK, they serve Mediterranean pie and carry an organic range.

In UAE, they have a shawarma and Interestingly enough, IKEA at UAE serves only Halal so I wonder if their meatballs (sans pork) will taste any differently.

In Japan, they have a salmon wrap, which I would like to try and this Crazy Dinner Offer where 295 yen you get 5 meatballs + crayfish and salmon pate + pancake with chocolate mousse. Now, that's dirt cheap for japan.

Oh my goodness! In Taiwan, IKEA has a tv program! And you can even watch them if you have windows media player.

IKEA is cool.


Chubbypanda said...

*sigh* The food at your IKEA looks so much better than our's. Whatever they serve us tends to look like a mess on a plate.

yixiaooo said...

sorry to hear that! but i'm sure you have more than enough options over at your side of the world... =)