Friday, May 31

kwandy at Tiong Bahru Bakery

Although Tiong Bahru is a little too hipster for me to visit on a weekly basis, I love introducing out-of-towners to the neighborhood. I guess I'm just excited to show people that Singapore is more than Marina Bay Sands, the Merlion and our ex Minister Mentor.

FYI: If you have noticed the lack of mention of KJ and Sandy on my blog, that's because they are both currently based in the States. 

To be honest, I think my MIL was even more excited than kwandy when I told her we were going to the original Tiong Bahru Bakery as she has long wanted to visit this outlet. See people, this is one of the reasons why having daughters or daughter-in-laws is awesome - they can take you out for tea and pastries.


As usual when you put me in front of the carb display, I loose all self-control, which is why it is probably safer for others to order.

The five of us shares an apple crumble, a plain croissant, kouign aman and mozzarella prosciutto focaccia; Sandy wanted a vanilla mille feuille but it was gone when she went back for it (sadness!).

As usual, the kouign aman was terribly good and I was happy to share the love with so many people. That said, I've got to make it a point to try the other tarts in the future - as soon as I get the kouign aman out of my system.

For some reason, out of all the savories, only the mozzarella and prosciutto focaccia calls out to me. I love the simple but delectable throw together. 

I wish I didn't sound like a broken record but everything was really good - except the cappuccino was way too milky. People have been saying the standard has dropped but I guess my tastebuds aren't sensitive or discerning enough. 

We enjoyed a good moment of peace while the bub took his afternoon nap. 

Because THIS USUALLY HAPPENS when he wakes up... 

After Tiong Bahru Bakery, we went over to Yong Siak Street and had a lot of fun with the loveliest rattan rocking horse at Woods in the Books

Love love love this picture. Have a great weekend, folks!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

have u tried the new choco kouign amann? ;)