Friday, May 3

Cedele's 2-berry muffin

There was a period in my life where I had a Coffee Bean cranberry muffin for breakfast everyday. Though I have moved onto savoury breakfasts, muffins will always have a special place in my heart; these days, out of habit, I would peer into the display case when I walk past that coffee chain.

It's hard to find a muffin that goes beyond its calling as a butter bomb but Cedele's 2-berry muffin has inched its way though my arteries to that special spot. While it is important for a muffin to be top-heavy. it is an even bigger treat when the goodies extend to the rest of its erm, being - the whole package, you know what I mean?

Cedele's  2-berry muffin has quite a few things going for it: a crumbly streusel topping that negates the usual muffin monotony; spongey and moist innards, no doubt thanks to an abundance of blueberries and raspberries; and consequential tartness that saves it from being an boring ol' cakey dud.


Bern said...

hahaa, there was once upon a time i had to have their buster's weekly cheesecake everyday as well!

yixiao said...

Coffee Bean was THE place to be once upon a time :)

muchadoabouteating said...

Oops I still eat their cheesecakes now. In fact, their party packs (random info but delifrance party packs too) are weekly staples for office meetings. Ha ha I live in once upon a time :p