Tuesday, December 6

Third time magical

In my previous post, I kept my self-pity and blog-wailing to the minimum when I had to miss out on kw's cousin, Stella's wedding in Taipei. Well, thanks to kw and whatsapp, I did feel as if I was there soakin' in the love and happiness, as he updated and sent me pictures of the day's happenings.

The bride and groom - Stella and Armstrong.

The insanely beautiful and I'm sure, blushing bride. I almost sorry kw has to come home to 'this' (draws imaginery circle around face).

Kw also brought back a gargantuan wedding chocolate gift box from Stella's Black As Choclate boutique. Men are chocolates, not? Best pick those that are dark, rich and soft on the inside :p

Wait, you know better than to take relationship advice from me right? MCYS and SDN are going to send me hate mail. Better that than their quarterly Love Byte magazine.

The wedding even made it to the Taiwanese tabloids. They even printed the bride ad groom's height and weight. Shudder! Being an artiste means your skin better be as thick as ganache.

My consolation gift.

My consolation lunch with Yang at Imperial Treasure (her treat-score!).

In the meantime, congrats and best wishes to the happy couple. See you in Feb!


sooks said...

Ooohhh... Stella Huang is your cousin-in-law? She looks gorgeous btw. Congratulations on another fine wedding in the family!

yixiao said...

thanks sooks! yeah, she is (both cousin-in-law and gorgeous) =)