There are a number of places when i declare fervent support for (read: Cedele Bakery Depot and Ichiban Boshi) but they are mostly subjective with comparable alternatives, but I swear by this mee soto. I mean, I don't even like mee soto to begin with but I find this version from Adam Road irresistable. Despite the regular ingredients (I recommend getting an extra portion of tripe), this mee soto is in a 'liga' of its own. The secret is in the broth that bags incredible oomph and is so intense you can't see the bottom of the bowl.
Que Engima's Return to Innocence.
An order of any dish from Amirah & Nur Aniqah entitles you to a potato cutlet- otherwise, you can fuggeditabouttit. You can cry, beg or pretend its your death wish before you embark on the Atkin's Diet and Amirah will hardly budge. Oh yeah, this guy probably pays more income tax than you do but I doubt he will care if you throw a hussy fit. You can toss your nose at such practice but those who have enjoyed these chunky patties would not only understand but appreciate the selectivity.
Though the mee soto left us reeling in satisfaction, we were itching for more. Like a kid who have just had a chocolate fudge cake and now wants his Reese's Peanut Butter cups, we wanted the Nasi Lemak.
Surprisingly we found two coextending queues for the nasi lemak at No 1 Nasi Lemak and Selera Rasa- good to know that Selera Rasa wasn't hogging the limelight. Dad queued at the No 1 Nasi Lemak for a good 10 minutes for ONE plate, because IT JUST SO HAPPENS some guy before him bought like 10 packs worth of takeaway (doesn't it just kill you when you queue up at the supermarket after this guy with a trolley full of party junk food, for a bottle of coke light).
(Couldn't decide which picture looks better)
Going by the picture (the number of forks and spoons), you could probably tell that we wasted no time in getting all nip/tuck. It was well worth the wait, though funny enough it wasn't the usual fried chicken, fried egg or fishcake that sealed the deal but the rice. The light airiness was something to relish; paired with mind blowing sambal, it was a plate-scrappingly good.
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