Friday, December 13

8 awesome things about our trip - Part 3

Fall foliage + Fall fashion
GORGEOUS GORGEOUS GORGEOUS. I have always been a Spring person but the last few trips have totally made me a Fall person. Leaves going from green to yellow and amber, hanging on as a gust of wind threatens to detach them. I have to admit I totally under packed for this trip - I planned for Fall but the temperatures took a good 10-degree dip.Thank god consumerism is well and alive, and I managed to get sweaters and stuff.

Cutest cousins moments
Seriously, the four of them. They are at the best age now when they can play together and absolutely delight in each other’s company.

Lots and lots of family time
This is why we travel. Many would find it a waste of money to travel with young kids, claiming, “They won’t remember a thing anyway.” True. But we find everytime the boys are taken out of their comfort zone or routine, they experience many “firsts” and their development takes a speed bump before launching off. At the end of the day, the memories belong to all of us đź’•

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