Tuesday, July 17

One week update with The First Born

Hmm, calling Russell "The First Born" sounds like I'm going to pop another out soon. HUR HUR HUR! For those of you eyeing my u-ter-us,  u-stay-far-far-away-from-us.

Anyway, I foresee the next few posts will be heavily baby-slanted as I am under confinement. Thus if you are allergic to that four-letter word, I suggest you revisit in a few weeks time. No harm done =)

Life with the bub has been fun, entertaining and definitely challenging. With a motherload of oxytocins crashloading my system, one can only imagine the amount of swooning I/we do every few hours.

As soon as the bewilderment of how a human came out of me dissipated, I counted his fingers and toes, and sighed with relief. Can I add how freakishly hungry I was? Though I thought it would be totally improper of me to ask for food as I was supposed to be weak and ailing.

My sister took our first photo together 
as we were being wheeled out of the delivery suite.

The bub's first and ACTUAL birth-day cake, thanks to his fengfeng yiyi.

Kw has laid claim to his eyebrows, nose and ears but I have dibs on his lips. I could live with that.

The bub, gran and creeper.

Still in snoozeland...

The bub with his other gran =)

Hmm, what shall I do today? I know, WORLD DOMINATION!

The importance of being Zen

Just in case he forgets what mummy and daddy look like...

First car ride home. Zero tantrums. Score!

R-sta from the 'hood

I used to think that all newborns look like rodents. 
Well, mine was the cutest.


I used to think that all babies look alike.
No, they don't and mine is still the cutest.


Lisa said...


Bern said...

Hah, who put the photo of you and the hubby on Russell's crib? It's hilarious!

yixiao said...


bernice, i did! HAHAHA

Qbee said...

Congrats Yi Xiao! Enjoy motherhood :) Love your posts on the new born

Haz said...

Hi there.. I've been following your blog for a while now.. Just thought I should drop you a note to say Congrats! He's the cutest lil bundle of joy indeed... =)

♥Erinlyn`♥ said...
