Friday, September 5

Paris-ed on Gourmet Magazine

Have you seen the current Gourmet Magazine?


Well I sure wish I hadn't.

I didn't dare flip through the magazine, lest my heart went 'wingggggggg....' But against better judgment, I visited their website and stumbled upon their Paris City Guide.

Just kill me now.


the zee said...

you're a food romantic! :) hehehe.

Anonymous said...

What is it about this magazine babe? Please educate me.


Anonymous said...

hahahah i know the feeling! wanna go after reading it right? : )

yixiaooo said...

zee, and the books you guys bought me added to the heartache.. haha..

amelia, Gourmet Magazine is a US magazine on food... you should check it out.

brad, sigh.. yes!

Anonymous said...

hi, where can i get gourmet magazine? i couldn't find it at borders. thanks!

yixiaooo said...

hey there, i'm surprised you couldn't get it at borders. you could try kinokuniya, mph or major bookstores around orchard and raffles place.

i hope you find it!