Wednesday, January 17

My mum and I were doing some spring cleaning yesterday. Basically we chucked out almost a third of our wardrobe... It was easy to get ride of those what-was-I-thinking outfits, those which revealed blotches of last night's laksa, yellowed armpit stains..

The toughies, on the other hand, were another moth-bitten story altogther.

Oh you know items that were not completely unwearable.. "almost here but not quite"... still intact but not going to catch another beam of sun ray.

It was naturally heart wrenching but I thought to myself: Be honest, if not heartless- If you didn't put on that top in the last six months, what makes you think you will in, say the next five years?

Chuck Chuck Chuck.

Ultimately, I had to convince my mum that we had good times with those outfits and after so long, one wonders if its such a good idea to keep stuff which we acquired ten years ago.

It's time to move on.

1 comment:

Chubbypanda said...

I'm too stingy for that. I just keep wearing the clothes at home as "shlumphies" until they fall apart, then use them as lining for the boxes my cats play/sleep in. =)

BTW, you've been tagged for my Save Our Faves 2007 food blogger meme. Check out my post for the meme here. Hope you can join the fun. =)