Tuesday, December 5

You've been Toast'd!

Recently, I have been shelfing muffin and scone plans to make room for toast. Just toast, except that it is usually not plain simple toast.

Retro is back.

Having said that, please keep all shoulder pads, disco balls and hairspray chain-locked and out of sight.. Hey YOU OVER THERE, those acid washed bellbottoms should have been crucified in the Great Fire of 1983.

What I meant to say was Kaya is retro and Kaya is back.

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One of the best bread spreads ever invented in undeniably (and I say this, hand on heart) a green mucky thing called 'kaya'. Kaya toast -sigh-.. What kaya toast did for Singapore could be comparable to what the scone did for the English and croissant for the French. I know of many who get the jitters when you tell them their regular kaya toast store has moved away. Never a fan of those waif slices, I always go for you-betcha-Size-6-ass French Loaf?

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Kaya Bun

I had this nondescript kaya bun in a coffee shop opposite Toastbox. Apart from the slightly special coconut-infused kaya, the ratio of kaya and butter spread versus size was disdainful. This was a best-forgotten experience, best summarized in three words: "blah blah blah".

So the next day, we eventually went over to Toastbox.

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Pork Floss.

I think it was a real 'Eureka' moment for Breadtalk when they discovered the pork floss mania. They took their brainchild/ cashcow with them to Toastbox and created the Pork Floss Toast. Supiciously-looking? Yes but the stringy nondescript shreds of pork floss turned out to be very approachable.

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MMM Milo powder. Groing up, I read books about kids had their peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, while lapping up milo in copious amounts. It was as if someone had hit the play button, unraveling your childhood video with every bite.

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Peanut Butter

The Peanut Butter Toast was incredibly sexy-gummy. The peanut butter slouched against and melded spontaneously into the warm toast. I so wanted to proclaim it 'delicious' on the spot but all I could manage is “mmm, hphhfwck-yum.. mmm”

Each toast is sliced tic-tac-toe style and served with two toothpicks. Herein lies a mini-test of kinship: Who will lay claim to more squares?

A couple of nights ago, I made my way to Makansutra Glutton’s Bay and received a knee-jerking experience from the kaya fondue.

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Kaya Fondue

For an incredibly novel experience, dip the handy buttered kaya twigs into the runny kaya... First we have kaya toast, then we had kaya roti, pork floss toast.. and now kaya fondue? As gimmicky as milo dinosaur, one would almost expect this to have its own mascot and theme song but bring on the pom-poms if you must, for this kaya fondue is unforgettable.

You just can't help but think, "there’s kaya toast and there’s KAYA TOAST.."


Chubbypanda said...

Kaya is food of the gods.

- Chubbypanda

Zhu!!! said...

hello. yes. i agree with the drooling comment.

yixiaooo said...

chubbypanda, all hail the kaya!

charl, OEI are you coming back for xams??? i'll hope life's buzzing down under.. HAHA

zhuzhuzhu! i love reading about Pig in Toronto.. update more..