Wednesday, November 15

Superdog @ Vivocity - Spandex Not Included

When the email invitation surfaced, I tossed away all thoughts of job hazards and jumped at the opportunity to visit Superdog at Vivocity for a food tasting session. A first for me, I was euphoric. I smsed my mum with such excitement and haste, one would have thought I scored myself a regular column on New York Times Dining & Wine.


Well, it’s about time all this blogging brought me some fame and recognition! Roll out the red carpet… Hold your heels, Ruth Reichl-wannabe. Drop the prima donna act before critics toss you off the face of the blogosphere.

I must admit I was tempted to go incognito as I was worried all that special treatment might ever-so-slightly impair my judgment. But it was “fast food” after all so I doubt the folk at Superdog would have a chance to exaggerate their presentation or taste. But let me know if you think I scored extra grilled onions or a couple of lettuces stuffed somewhere.

As soon as we settled down, we were given a choice of either hot chocolate or cappuccino to get things going. Hot chocolate and sausages? I think we could be onto something here…

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Chocolate Densa

I was expecting some boring instant mix drink. But when I undid the lid and tilted the cup slightly, the perceptible inactive glob within made me beam. To cut the long story short, Chocolate Densa was Knock-Out-Woke-Up-In Barcelona-Quick!-Hand-Me-Some-Crisp-Churros molten thick. Towards the end, I even had to use my fork to scrap up the remnants! Finishing the entire cup was child’s play as it wasn’t tooth-achingly sweet.

The next time I visit Superdog, I am going to smuggle in a fresh baguette loaf. Thank god, empire-waist dresses are way hot right now.

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Chili cheese fries were so good they should be awarded a badge of honour. Though nondescript shoestring fries were used, that was easily forgiven (and forgotten) for it was buried under a stirring 16-ingredients chili sauce (a disarming mix of ground beef, numerous spices and tomato sauce). Watching the shredded cheese meld seamlessly into the chili sauce was brainwashing; now repeat after me: GOOGEY GOOGEY CHEESE IS GOOD FOR ME.

Going through the burger descriptions provided for by the press kit, I noticed Superdog’s burgers carry two types of sauces most exclusive to them: Signature and Unique. Haha.. We had three burgers- Superburger, Bacon Lovers and Fresh Chicken burger.

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Superburger "trademark": served with a definitive hand-grilled one-third pound premium beef patty, slices of streaky bacon, fresh greens, grilled onions and SIGNATURE sauce. The “trademark” symbol is deserving and I had to restrain myself from crying out in distress when the last piece was picked away. Must. Keep. Composure. Or thou shall never be invited to food tasting sessions again.

Bacon Lovers: served with grilled pork bacon, cheese, fresh greens and SIGNATURE sauce. The bacon was surprisingly tender and bountiful, unlike the tough twigs you get at Burger King.

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Fresh Chicken Burger

Rumored to be the Ladies’s choice, the Fresh Chicken Burger: grilled chicken thigh (not minced chicken patty), fresh greens and UNIQUE sauce. I normally don’t order chicken, rendering it a fast track to Blah Land but this chicken burger offered hope that chicken items need not be boring.

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Italian and Polish Sausages

Superdog’s sausages stand out with their griddle-crisp skins that burst open to reveal a chomping good time. We had the Polish, Italian and German around the same table and not a harsh word was spoken- rather definitive by history's standards, no? Without a hot dog bun, the sausages felt a little greasy but the meal wasn’t exactly runway-friendly to begin with.

Apart from the standard spices, Italian sausages also contain either fennel or anise, which lends a distinctive aroma- extremely telling even if you are blindfolded. Erm, I really wasn’t blindfolded... Just a figure of speech!

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Bradwurst Hotdog

The most recognizable of German sausages, the bratwurst is usually accented with a variety of spices including ginger, nutmeg and caraway- all of which played a role in creating this flavorsome tube of processed meat. While just as juicy, the Polish sausage was (flavour speaking) EXTRA-ordinary. History repeats itself as the German soundly trounced the Polish in terms of taste.

Given these sausages, Takeru Kobayashi would have broken his record in half the time.

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Bacon Chili Cheese Dog

Do give the bacon chili cheese dog a try if you wish to try their ooo la-la chili sauce and fries are not your thing (Humble Alien, Welcome to Earth!).

I had a great time at Superdog and left the joint wishing I had worn a buffet-friendly outfit. During my food tasting session, Superdog was barely half-filled but just an hour later, it was packed to the brim with people eager to satisfy their burger / hot dog craving and curious to see what Superdog offers. In my opinion, I feel Superdog isn’t just a fad. They pride themselves in quality, using only 100% chuck beef (none of that nasty frozen patties) and their offerings are well-differentiated. Keeping your expectations in check, you definitely wouldn't be disppointed.

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The crowds speak for themselves.

Ala Carte Menu

Gourmet Beverages

Value Meals

My partners in crime

My meal at Superdog was really quite fantastic. It was reminiscent of my favourite day in summer when my dad took the family out to the baseball game, where we cheered and booed to the rhythm of hotdog chants and soda pops.

Wait a minute, whose life am I reminiscing about?


a-hepburn said...

hey babe!!! how're you??? i'm in texas now... but i do check in your food blog as much as i was in spore!!! :) how're you??? where's superdpg btw???

Chubbypanda said...

Now that is the type of fast food joint I can really sink my teeth into. This they had one here.

- Chubbypanda

yixiaooo said...

Ruth! What are you doing in cowboy-lovin texas??? On exchange???

ChubbyPanda, if you want to use up the calories fast, might as well make it worthwhile right?

a-hepburn said...

yup! i'm on exchange! will be back in dec in time for christmas! and yes. you'll be getting your yearly christmas card since the tradition started eons ago! :D