Monday, February 24

Kway Guan Huat Joo Chiat Popiah @ Tangs

Man, I have heard so much about Kway Guan Huat popiah - Bob Blumer even made a trip slash show-and-tell there when he dropped by Singapore. But at $4 a pop, this popiah turned out to be an inflated disappointment.


red fir said...

Omg I thought I was the only one who thought their popiah was really mediocre. The skin of mine was brittle! And I bought them from their main Joo Chiat outlet.

muchadoabouteating said...

Lol good thing I am such a scrooge haha saw that it's $4 so I simply walked away

Michelle said...

ure a popiah fan? ive friends who recently recommended me one popiah stall at clementi (opp popular bookstore there's this small coffeeshop, the one that has famous rojak too i heard). they dont open for lunch, but there's (always i heard) a queue at dinner time. :) fyi!

yixiao said...

Ice and PY, yar lorr..

Michelle: Yes, popiah fiend here! Thanks for the recommendation.