Monday, June 17

Father's Day luncheon

Father's Day. Sunday lunch. Leg of lamb. Straightforward, hearty with a few glasses of Price History for 1999 Chateau Pichon-Longueville au Baron for good measure. 

Rude crowds, ripe-off set menus and hasty service begone.

Yesterday, KW's parents came over for lunch for Father's Day and we made a simple meal, resulting in one of the most relaxing entertaining-lunches I have had in a while. 

Though there is typically alot less fuss compared to Mother's Day, it would be remiss to let Father's Day go by without digging into some red meat and spilling some red wine.

You can count on Jamie Oliver for a reliable roasted leg of lamb recipe. 

Though it could have been a little pinker, the lamb was incredibly satisfying. For the rest of the day, the entire kitchen was filled with a gamy heady aroma and rosemary scent. 

Watermelon, Japanese cucumber, feta cheese and black olives. I have never been big on adding fresh fruit to a salad but this was such s brilliant idea, especially in the baking heat of ours (seriously, it has been so hot, it is not even funny).

Slow-roasted potatoes that were blistery and in the curious case of the carrots, charred and caramelized. 

And for dessert, a homemade DIY sundae, made up of pastries from Donq Bakery, Haagen Daaz coffee ice cream and chocolate sauce.

Donq's kougin amann might not be the butter bomb as exemplified by Tiong Bahru Bakery but that doesn't mean it is any less scrumptious - or sinful; and the caramelied almond pastry (forgot the name of it... ugh) was finger-lickin' moreish.

I hope all of you had a great Father's Day too; don't worry if you didn't, you have 364 other days to make up for it.


muchadoabouteating said...

What a smart way to combine a dessert

yixiao said...

Gotta improvise to make up for the lack of talent :p