Thursday, November 23

Cedele Bakery Depot

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Breakfast at Cedele: Orange Cranberry Bun; Chelsea Bun; Raspberry Scone; White Chocolate & Raspberry muffin.

I finally got around to trying their raspberry & white chocolate muffin but it quite a letdown. Perhaps due to the white chocolate appendage, I had expected a hello-I’m-all-yours aftereffect; but in the end, I was disappointed its barely noticeable existence. Oh well, all is not lost and I shall make it a point to try out one of their crumble-topped muffins.

Lunch is unnecessarily stressful for me. I’m pretty odd. I have no problem lunching alone but at times, I do appreciate the presence of a pulsating heartbeat rather than words of wisdom from a know-it-all magazine.

Having said that, I am finicky when it comes to spending that precious one and half hours with. I know my problem. I get comfortable with one or two people and I shy away from making more friends. This article from New York Times is reflective of how I feel- basically, I enjoy a good conversation and I like finding out that once-strangers-now-friends and I share common interests; but otherwise, I find humans and emotional attachment exasperating.

A colleague of mine has what she calls ‘default lunch’- same default lunch partner at default (you-guessed-it) food court. I for one frankly don’t see myself lunching with the same person every single day- especially when you sit barely two cubicles away. As a consequence, you would inevitably end up talking about work and gossiping about your colleagues (due to a lack of better topics) and I LOATHE THAT. Memo to Rupert Murdoch: Office politics = Rave ratings on cable television but other than that, count me out.

Frankly, life’s too short to spend your lunch hour on battlefields, adorned with rows of food stalls and acrylic furniture. Crowds make me nervous but that’s not the end of it: lunch at food court requires a braincell-decimating strategy. Action Plan: Reach the food court 3.5 minutes earlier to beat the crowds; get to your (and everybody else’s) favourite minced pork store; finish up; and march back before the clock strikes one hour later.

Think about it:

Getting a seat versus getting seated.

Waiting around for a table that would fit four versus being shown to a reserved table for four.

Queuing up for your food versus getting your order taken down by a PDA

Getting up from your seat right after finishing before getting dirty looks arrowed in your direction versus enjoying the much-needed serenity.

You get the picture right? But help, I’m only an intern! Going forward, I’m in serious trouble in committing ‘kuidaore’.

I’m not saving the world but a peace of mind is what I need during lunchtime and that’s why I spend so much time at Cedele Bakery Depot. I used to visit the outlet at Raffles City but now due to a matter of practicality, I visit the outlet at Suntec City instead. Honestly Cedele, if you were a man, I would cut the chase, get down on bended knees and propose to you.

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Usually soup (big fan of their grilled pepper) is no-brainer thanks to the free flow of bread… Actually it is more like free flow of bread with soup. Once, my colleague and I got lucky too as there were more varieties than the usual whole-wheat and white.

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Once, I had their mushroom, tomato and cheese pizza. Erm yea, like what’s pizza doing in this supposed sin-free cafe? When served, the melted cheese spilling all over the ends and since it was delicious, I am pretty sure it is not what a nutritionist would recommend. Of course, hard-core pizza fans would dismiss this as melted cheese on bread (c’mon it’s not even a ‘slice’ for crying out loud) but considering the accessibility, I now know where to turn to when I need a “melted cheese” fix.

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Although bread-stuffed from lunch, this slice of cake vital in contributing to my 5-servings of fruit and vegetables a day!

A meal’s incomplete unless it ends on a sweet note. The Orange Carrot Cake was supposed to be a heaven-sent stork-delivered baby of my two favorite cakes (carrot cake and orange pound cake) in the boulangerie world. We would be in trouble if the kid looked like you. But the taste wasn’t as challenging in the sense the orange aroma outshine shy whiff of carrot shreds. It is a safe choice but I rather try something ‘dangerous-sounding’ like the strawberry balsamic vinegar.

A round-up of reviews for Cedele:
I Do


Cheryl Be Good said...

Hiya st nicks girl too! =)

lol said...

Hey, ur a cedele nut like me! I frequent the GWC outlet tho, rather than suntec! Its a pity the service there can't match their foods tho!

yixiaooo said...

hey cheryl, i'm sorry but i must know like a dozen sheryls/cheryls.. do i know you personally???

lol, bull's eye. i always feel like i order my soup and bread, with a scowl served on the side. but as long as i focus on the bread, such counter treatment remains slightly bearable. is it like that in GWC too?

Cheryl Be Good said...

Erm yup the drawbacks of having one of the most common female names in Singapore. =)